Infrared Heater vs Electric Heater

Infrared heaters and electric heaters are often confused. What exactly are the differences and similarities? Aren’t all heaters powered by electricity electric heaters? The short answer is no. The main difference is in how these heaters work.

There are different types of electric heaters, from electric radiators to fan heaters and also storage heaters. While these heaters provide a certain level of radiant heat, they still aim to heat the whole area, meaning that time is needed before their effects can fully be felt.

Similarities Infrared Heater and Electric Heaters

There are several similarities between infrared and electric heaters. Most of these are to do with their level of convenience and the variety in design.

Flexibility in Placement Options

Both infrared and electric heaters offer considerable flexibility when it comes to placement options. Besides wall mounted options and ceiling heaters, infrared heaters can also be portable, which means they can be easily adapted to the current heating needs. Electric heaters are mainly portable units which also makes them suited to spaces where there are varying temperatures.

Installation Simplicity for Infrared Heater and Electric Heater

Another commonality between infrared and electric heaters is how easy they are to install. Many models are essentially plug-and-play. No additional wires, complicated hardware or extensive modifications are required for either infrared or electric heaters. If you decide to go for flush-mounted or ceiling infrared heaters, the installation process is slightly more complicated, however, once installed you will reap all the benefits over even heat distribution and seamless design.

Design and Aesthetics of Infrared Heater vs Electric Heater

When considering the design and aesthetics of infrared versus electric heaters, both come in a myriad of designs that complement any space. However, Bromic’s infrared heaters are unparalleled when it comes to superior function and superior design. Go for the Platinum series if you have a modern aesthetic, the Tungsten series stands out beautifully in industrial settings, and the Eclipse series lights up any outdoor area.

Benefits of Infrared Heater vs Electric Heater

While there are some key similarities between infrared heaters and electric heaters, there are several benefits that are unique to infrared heaters, from their energy efficiency to speed to durability.

Energy Efficiency of Infrared Heater vs Electric Heater

The energy efficiency of a heater is crucial in deciding what kind of heater best fits your needs. Do you want to heat an entire space or just a specific zone? Energy efficiency is also an important factor in sustainability.

  • Space heating effectiveness with infrared heater vs electric heater: While electric heaters are more effective in heating overall spaces compared to infrared heaters, energy is lost heating space that goes unused.
  • Zone heating comparison for infrared vs electric heater: Infrared heaters are more effective than electric heaters when it comes to zone heating because infrared directly targets people, objects and surfaces without wasting energy on the surrounding air.
  • Environmental benefits: Besides saving money on energy costs, infrared heaters are more sustainable and environmentally friendly than electric heaters.

Comparing Heating Speed Between Infrared Heater vs Electric Radiator

Electric radiators provide heat by warming the air while also emitting a minimal amount of radiant heat. Heat can be felt, however it still takes time before a space reaches a comfortable temperature. Conversely infrared heaters only emit infrared waves which can be felt immediately. The heating speed of infrared heaters is considerably faster than that of electric heaters.

Assessing Durability

Bromic’s engineers design infrared heaters with durability in mind. Unlike electric heats whose lifespan is often shorter because moving parts wear out and dust accumulation reduces efficiency, infrared heaters have very few parts which are prone to failure. Even maritime climates are kept in mind with the Platinum Marine series.
